Published June 10, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Аналіз понять «злочин» та «покарання» у трактуванні філософів Античності

  • 1. ЗВО «Львівський університет бізнесу та права»


According to today's demands, "crime" and "punishment" first of all need to be considered in the parameters of solving the problems of application of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and prospects for its improvement. The categories of crime and punishment are able to function in the polyscientific space - that is, in the field of not only legal but also philosophical sciences. This circumstance leads to the problem of interdisciplinary correlation of the categories of crime and punishment. The solution to this problem is associated with an important scientific task aimed at bridging the communication gap between lawyers and non-legal scholars who in one way or another address the issue of crime and punishment. In turn, the elimination of communication gaps is of great practical importance, because in the face of increasing integrative trends and processes in cognition and practice, disciplinary isolation prevents the unification of scientific capabilities into a single complex aimed at understanding systemic problems that can not be solved in a disciplinary situation. isolation, in particular related to criminalization and decriminalization, legal forecasting, application and prospects for improving the Criminal Code of Ukraine. According to the results of research in ancient philosophy revealed vectors for the interpretation of crime as dangerous for the state illegal act, which is an act of will, and punishment as a means of preventing crime and retribution (Aristotle - on the principle of distributive law). These elements can be regarded as those that, along with other philosophical resources, can be used to identify the content of the categories of crime and punishment, and thus the interdisciplinary correlation of these categories, as those capable of functioning in the multidisciplinary space.



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