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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) September 25, 2009

Eracle ed Eaco alle porte dell'Ade (Critias Fr. 1 SN.-K.)*

  • Giovanna Alvoni
From the journal Philologus


Sixteen iambic trimeters from the pseudo-Euripidean tragedy Peirithous, very probably a work of Critias, contain a dialogue between Heracles, who descended into Hades, and the ianitor Orci Aeacus. The constitutio textus of Critias′ fr. 1 Sn.-K., of which a critical apparatus is provided based on the autopsy of all the known manuscripts, is worthy of consideration: In contrast to the choice made by most scholars, it is better to leave the lectio tradita ϑεοῦ at l. 7. As regards the problematical l. 14, the emendation ἀνήνυτόν γ′ ἔδωκεν ἐξηνυκέναι is suggested. The scene of Heracles′ meeting with the doorkeeper of the underworld must have been well known and was probably parodied by Aristophanes in his Frogs, as many scholars agree. It may also however have been alluded to by Lucian in Nec. 8, as the adverb τραγικῶς seems to indicate.

Published Online: 2009-09-25
Published in Print: 2008-06

© Akademie Verlag

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