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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter July 20, 2017

Analysis of the Use of Background Distribution for Naive Bayes Classifiers

  • Daniel Andrade EMAIL logo , Akihiro Tamura and Masaaki Tsuchida


The naive Bayes classifier is a popular classifier, as it is easy to train, requires no cross-validation for parameter tuning, and can be easily extended due to its generative model. Moreover, recently it was shown that the word probabilities (background distribution) estimated from large unlabeled corpora could be used to improve the parameter estimation of naive Bayes. However, previous methods do not explicitly allow to control how much the background distribution can influence the estimation of naive Bayes parameters. In contrast, we investigate an extension of the graphical model of naive Bayes such that a word is either generated from a background distribution or from a class-specific word distribution. We theoretically analyze this model and show the connection to Jelinek-Mercer smoothing. Experiments using four standard text classification data sets show that the proposed method can statistically significantly outperform previous methods that use the same background distribution.

MSC 2010: 62P99

1 Introduction

The naive Bayes classifier is still a popular method for classification, especially in text classification [23]. One advantage of the naive Bayes classifier is that it has the interpretation of a generative model that can be easily extended to model more complex relations [3] and can easily be extended for semisupervised learning [21].

The work in Ref. [20] showed that a background distribution (word uni-gram distribution) estimated from large unlabeled data can help to improve the naive Bayes classifier. However, as their method does not explicitly allow to control how much the background distribution can influence the estimation of naive Bayes parameters, their usage of the background distribution might be suboptimal.

In this work, we propose a different approach that explicitly models the background distribution by extending the generative model of naive Bayes. The proposed model assumes that any word in the document is sampled either from a class word distribution θz or from a background distribution γ. To decide whether a word is sampled from the distribution θz or from the distribution γ, we introduce a binary indicator variable d, one for each word in the document. Despite the simplicity of our model, our experiments show that our method can statistically significantly outperform previous methods such as [20] when the training data are small.

Furthermore, we theoretically interpret and analyze several properties of our model. One property of our proposed model suggests that our model’s usage of the background distribution has the effect of down-weighting high-frequent like “a” or “the” (stop-words) and other irrelevant words (see Section 5.1). Especially, if the number of training data instances is small, these words might by chance occur more often in one class than the other. As a consequence, irrelevant words are not spread evenly over all classes z and can degenerate a classifier’s performance. Another property of our model shows that the background distribution becomes more necessary when the number of labeled data is small (see Section 5.2).[1]

The remaining of the paper is structured as follows. The next chapter describes the related work, followed by Section 3, briefly reviewing naive Bayes. Next, in Section 4 and Section 4.1, we explain our proposed model and explain how the hyperparameter can be learned using empirical Bayes. In Section 5, we proof some theoretic properties of our model. Finally, in Section 6, we present our experiments, and we conclude our work in Section 7.

2 Related Work

Our work is related to Jelinek-Mercer smoothing [as we will show in Equation (5)], which was proposed in the context of information retrieval [29]. In contrast, we theoretically analyze and experimentally evaluate the smoothing in the context of text classification. Furthermore, the work in Ref. [29] did not exploit the underlying probabilistic model for finding parameter estimates.

Feature weighting for naive Bayes can also be achieved by replacing the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the class conditional word probabilities by weighted frequency counts (tf-idf) and correlation-based feature selection [14, 16, 26]. Such ad hoc weighting schemes can be incorporated in our framework by using a word prior that is proportional to the desired weight.

The work in Ref. [21] proposed an extension of naive Bayes that models each class by a mixture of several word distributions (components) rather than only one word distribution θz. They assign to each class exclusively a fixed number of components. This way, the assumption that the documents of one class are generated from only one multinomial distribution is relaxed, and it is possible to model subtopics within one class. However, as one component is assigned only to one class, their model does not allow to share word distributions across different classes. As a consequence, their model is not able to model words that occur frequently in documents independently of their class. The method in Ref. [21] forms one of our baselines.

The idea of sharing word distributions across different classes (topics) is realized in latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [1]. However, it is known that this standard topic model is negatively influenced by high-frequent words (common words) and therefore is filtered out manually or weighted with the use of priors [25].

Several works proposed to extend the standard topic model to explicitly model common words. Therefore, as in our model, they suggest to use binary “switching variables” to include a background distribution. The extended model is applied to information retrieval [2], topic-aspect modeling [22], summarization [5], template extraction [19], and also text classification with labeled words instead of labeled documents [9]. However, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to analyze the effects when combining this idea with a naive Bayes classifier and comparing it to other proposed extensions of naive Bayes.

The work in Ref. [8] proposed a different extension of naive Bayes that also uses additionally a background distribution. Instead of modeling the word occurrence probability using a multinomial distribution, they model it by applying the soft-max function (exponential normalization) to adjusted log-word frequencies. For each class c, they estimate the log-frequency deviation from the log-background frequency distribution. Furthermore, to enforce sparsity, they place a Laplace prior on the log-frequency deviations. In Section 6, we will compare their method to our proposed method.

More recently, Su et al. [24] and Lucas and Downey [20] also proposed two semisupervised naive Bayes methods that use the background distribution. Both approaches reestimate the conditional word probabilities p(w|c) for a class c by using the background distribution p(w) estimated from unlabeled documents. Su et al. [24] estimated p(w|c) by using p(c|w) estimated only from the labeled documents and p(w) estimated from the unlabeled documents. In contrast, Lucas and Downey [20] optimized p(w|c) subject to the constraint that p(w) should equal p(w|c1p(c1)+p(w|c2p(c2), where p(w|c1) and p(w|c2) are the probabilities that a word comes from a document that has label c1 and label c2, respectively. Their experiments showed that their method is superior to the method in Ref. [24]. We therefore adapt the method in Ref. [20] as another baseline for our experiments in Section 6.

The naive Bayes classifier is a generative model (a Bayesian network) that makes the strong assumption that the features (words) are conditionally independent given the class of the document. A natural direction for improvement is therefore to relax these independence assumptions by considering also class conditional bi-gram probabilities as, for example, in Ref. [15] or learning a binary decision tree [27]. In contrast, our focus here is on extending the generative model to allow the incorporation of a background distribution estimated from unlabeled documents.

Departing from the generative model of the naive Bayes classifier, several other improvements to naive Bayes classifier have been proposed: sample weighting [13], feature selection [30], and feature weighting [12, 31]. The latter is most relevant, as our proposed generative model also has the effect of feature weighting. In particular, in Ref. [31], the authors proposed the gain ratio weighted naive Bayes text classifier (GRWNB). [2] Their experiments show that GRWNB (combined with the multinomial naive Bayes classifier) is statistically significantly better than other state-of-the art feature weighting approaches such as χ2 feature weighting. We therefore choose the GRWNB (with the binomial naive Bayes classifier) as another baseline in our experiments (see Section 6). However, we emphasize that, in contrast to all other baselines and our proposed method, GRWNB is not a valid generative model anymore.

3 Naive Bayes Model

Given the class z of a document, the naive Bayes model assumes that each word w in the document is independently generated from a distribution θw|z . A popular choice for this distribution is the categorical distribution. [3] Let us represent a text document t as (w1, …, wk) where wj is the word in the jth position of the document. Under this model, the joint probability of the document with given class z is


where θ·|z is the parameter vector of the categorical distribution, with wθw|z=1.

Let us denote by θ all parameters {θw|z }w,z, for all words w and all classes z. Given a collection of texts with known classes D={(t1,z1), …, (tn,Zn)}, we can estimate the parameters θw|z by


using the usual iid-assumption, and that zi is independent from θ. Furthermore, using Equation (1), we get [4]


For simplicity, let us assume that p(θ) is constant, and then the above expression is maximized by


where we define Nw,z as the number of times word w occurs in documents belonging to topic z, and V denotes the set of words in the corpus. Finally, assuming some class probability p(z), a new document is classified using argmaxzp(z|w1, …, wk). The class probability p(z) is set using the ML estimate.

4 Proposed Extension of Naive Bayes Generative Model

We now describe our extension of the naive Bayes model as displayed in Figure 1. Under the proposed model, the joint probability of the text document with words w1, …, wk, hidden variables d1, …, dk and class z is


where the word probability p(w|z,d,γ,θ) is defined as follows:

p(w|z,d,γ,θ)={θw|zif d=1,γwif d=0.

Figure 1: Proposed Model in Plate Notation.
Figure 1:

Proposed Model in Plate Notation.

The variables dj are binary random variables that indicate whether the word wj is drawn from the class word distribution θw|z or from the background distribution γ. The distributions θw|z and γ are two categorical distributions with wVθw|z=1, and wVγw=1. The variables dj are hidden variables that cannot be observed from the training documents. To acquire the probability of a training document (w1, …, wk, z), we sum over all values for d1, …, dk, leading to


where, to make the notation more compact, we skipped the conditioning of p(wj|z,dj) on γ and θ and p(dj) on δ, respectively.

We assume that the prior probability p(dj) is independent from the class of the document and independent from the word position j. Therefore, we define δ:=p(dj=1), which is constant for all words. This way, the joint probability of the document with class z, i.e. p(w1, …, wk, z), can be expressed as follows:


For a class z, we estimate the word distribution θw|z as before using Equation (2). The class prior p(z) is also estimated in the same way as for the naive Bayes classifier.

Finally, to classify a new document w1, …, wk, we use


We set the background distribution γ to the word frequency distribution of the whole corpus (labeled+unlabeled documents).

We note that, with this choice of the background distribution, the result is actually identical to a naive Bayes model with the class-dependent word probabilities θw|z set to


which corresponds to Jelinek-Mercer smoothing [29].

In the next section, we will discuss how the hyperparameter δ can be learned.

4.1 Learning δ

Note that we expect δ is in the interval [0, 1]. If δ is 1, the model reduces to the original naive Bayes classifier. If δ is 0, the model does not use the class word distribution θ at all.

Let D′={t1, …, tn} be the collection of all documents. [5] We suggest to set δ such that if there are many words in D′ that can be better explained by the background distribution rather than any θw|z , the parameter δ is closer to 0. We can achieve this by choosing the parameter δ* that maximizes the data probability p(D′) under our proposed model for fixed parameters θw|z and γ. This means that δ*:=argmaxδp(D′|δ,γ), which equals


To find an approximate solution to this problem, we use the EM algorithm, considering all class labels zi and all indicator variables dj as unobserved. Instead of maximizing directly the log likelihood log p(D′|δ,γ), the EM algorithm maximizes in each step the following function:


where h corresponds to the hidden variables zi and dj, for all documents i and all words j; q is a probability distribution over these hidden variables. First, setting an initial δ, for example, 0.5, we iterate the following two steps:

  • E-step: Setting q to p(h|D′, δ, γ).

  • M-step: Finding a new δ*, which maximizes Eq[log p(D′, h|δ, γ)].

The process repeats with the E-step, setting δ to δ*. In each step, δ* is guaranteed to increase the objective function log p(D′|δ) until convergence [6]. The δ* that maximizes Eq[log p(D′, h|δ, γ)] is given by


where the denominator equals N′, the total number of words (or, more precisely, word occurrences) in the corpus. For the E-step, we need to calculate qj, which is


where j′≠j denotes all word indices from 1 to k, except j. Note that, if the document is a labeled document (training document) with class z′, we do not need to sum overall z but instead use only z′ in the above equation. Equations (6) and (7) are derived in Appendix A. In practice, the above estimate will be dependent on the ratio of labeled and unlabeled documents. In the extreme case, where there are no unlabeled documents, the estimate of δ will become 1, as we will show in Section 5.3. On the contrary, we found experimentally that, if the number of unlabeled documents is much larger than the labeled data, the estimate of δ will tend to 0. To make the estimate less dependent on the ratio, we therefore replace Equation (6) by


where λ(i) is set to NlNu if document i is unlabeled and 1 if document i is labeled; Nl is the total number of words in the labeled data and Nu is the total number of words in the unlabeled data.

5 Theoretical Analysis

In this section, we investigate the effect of the background distribution γ (see Section 5.1), the divergence of the background distribution estimated from the labeled and unlabeled data (see Section 5.2), and the effect of our model on the (labeled) training data likelihood (see Section 5.3).

5.1 Inverse Feature Weighting by Background Distribution

We argue that the background distribution γ has the effect of a feature weighting, whereas low probability under the background distribution means a high feature weight.

First recall that we used argmaxzp(z|t) as our decision criterion for classifying text document t. Therefore, to choose class z1 it is only important that p(z1|t) is larger than p(z2|t) for any other class z2. Therefore, the decision criteria is whether the log ratio


is larger than 0 for any other class z2. Using Equation (4), we can rewrite this ratio as


where we define gw:=(1δ)γw+δθw|z1(1δ)γw+δθw|z2. We can see that the weight of a word w for deciding class z1 or class z2 is |log gw|. The weight of word w is a function of yw to make this explicit. We write |log gw(γw)|.

For the case where θw|z1θw|z2, we can prove (see Appendix B) that


where a and b are two different values for γw. This shows that increasing γw results in decreasing the word’s weight for classification.

5.2 Divergence of Estimated Background Distributions

As before, we assume that the background distribution γw was estimated from the whole corpus (labeled+unlabeled documents). Let us denote by p˜(w) the estimate of γw that only uses the labeled documents. In this subsection, we show that the larger the difference between p˜(w) and γw is, the higher (in expectation) is the probability that a word will be drawn from γw rather than from any class word distribution θw|z .

Formally, we show that


where θ˜w|zA and θ˜w|zB are the two estimates of p(w|z) based on two different (labeled) training data sets A and B; p˜A(w) and p˜B(w) are the corresponding estimates of p(w), i.e.

p˜A(w)=zθ˜w|zAp(z), and p˜B(w)=zθ˜w|zBp(z).

The proof is deferred to Appendix C. We can think of p˜1 and p˜2 as the two estimates of γw that use different sizes of (labeled) training data sets. In general, the estimate from the larger training set will be closer to γw. Therefore, we can interpret the statement in (9), as that for larger training sets we can expect that the need for the background distribution drops.

This also draws an interesting parallel to the work in Refs. [24] and [20], which both try to use γw to make up for the bad estimate of p˜(w), when the training data are small.

5.3 No Lower Training Data Likelihood

It is interesting to see that the background distribution of our model does not help to better explain the training data, in the sense that our model does “not” achieve a higher training data likelihood than naive Bayes. Therefore, as the naive Bayes our model does not suffer from overfitting, the contribution of the background distribution comes solely from being able to better explain the unlabeled data. To prove this, we consider the δ that is optimal with respect to the log likelihood of the training data. This means δ*=argmaxδ log p(D/δ), which equals


The first derivative of the above term with respect to δ is


Furthermore, assuming that θw|z is not identical to γw, we can see that the second derivative is (strictly) negative. Therefore, the function A(δ) is concave and there must be exactly one value δ* for which the function A(δ) reaches its maximum. As we have shown in Appendix D, this maximum is reached if δ* is 1. Recall that our model is identical to naive Bayes if δ equals 1.

6 Experiments

For our experiments, we used four standard corpora, 20 Newsgroups, Ohsumed, RCV1, and Reuters-21578, written in English. For the corpus 20 Newsgroups, we used the standard split of training and test data as suggested in with a total of 18,846 documents. For the corpus Ohsumed [10], we also used the standard split of training and test data with a total of 13,929 documents. RCV1 refers to the RCV1 corpus, with a total of 806,422 documents, as described in Ref. [18]. The Reuters-21578, described in Ref. [28], contains a total of 10,369 documents. [6] For 20 Newsgroups, we used all 20 classes, with the class proportions ranging from 3.3% to 5.3%. For Ohsumed, we used all 23 classes, with the class proportions ranging from 1.0% to 28.6%. For RCV1 and Reuters-21578, we used the top 5 classes as shown in Table 1.

Table 1:

Class Label Proportion for the Top 5 Classes in RCV1 (Left) and Reuters-21578 (Right).


We preprocessed the corpora using tokenization and stemming with Senna [4].

For 20 Newsgroups and Ohsumed, we used the whole test data. For RCV1 and Reuters-21578, we used as test data a random sample of 4000 documents of the whole corpus. For all four corpora, we used as training data a random sample of 50, 100, 300, 500, and 1000 documents of the remaining corpus.[7] We ensure that the randomly sampled set of training data contains at least one document of each class.

We did not use a stop-word list, as it is partly domain dependent and therefore needs to be adjusted manually. As baseline methods, we used five methods: feature marginals-naive Bayes (FM-NB) [20], SAGE-naive Bayes (SAGE-NB) [8], EM-naive Bayes (EM-NB) [21], naive Bayes, which is identical to our method when δ is set to 1.0, and the GRWNB [31].

For GRWNB, we used Algorithm 1 of Ref. [31] with the binomial naive Bayes classifier.

For EM-NB, the hyperparameter is determined using two-fold cross-validation of the training data. For FM-NB, we also tried to change the Laplace smoothing with the Dirichlet prior but did not get any improvement. [8] For SAGE-NB, we used the original implementation. [9]

For our experimental setting, we assume that we have only access to the class label information from the training data and know all the test instances but without class label information. This experimental setting is the same as the one used in the original work of FM-NB [20]. [10] The estimation of the background distribution γw, which is used by our method and also by the baseline methods FM-NB and SAGE-NB, is calculated using the whole corpus. For our proposed method and the naive Bayes baseline, we placed a uniform Dirichlet prior over θ to prevent 0 word probabilities. Prior counts for each word, corresponding to the Dirichlet prior, are set to 1|V|, where V′ is the set of vocabulary in the whole corpus. For our proposed method, we learn the hyperparameter δ using EM as described in Section 4.1 and stop if the change of δ is less than 0.0001.

For evaluation, we used the break-even point of precision and recall as defined in Ref. [17].[11] The results of the (macro-averaged) break-even points are shown in Table 2.

Table 2:

(Macro-averaged) Break-even Point for the Proposed Method and Previous Methods using Three Different Corpora Trained with 50, 100, 300, 400, and 1000 Training Documents. Bold Font Marks Highest Break-even Point. Asterisk Marks Statistical Significance using Pairwise Comparison.

MethodSize 50Size 100Size 300Size 500Size 1000
20 Newsgroups
Naive Bayes0.0970.1370.2550.3340.431
Naive Bayes0.4650.4810.5870.6180.686
Naive Bayes0.4360.5040.5840.6780.720
Naive Bayes0.1320.1500.1890.2280.288

Furthermore, we performed a pairwise comparison between all methods using the micro sign-test (see, for example, Ref. [28]) with the decision boundary induced by the break-even point. If method A was better than each other method B with p<0.01, we consider the result as statistically significant and marked the result with an asterisk in Table 2.

As we can see in Table 2, our proposed method statistically significantly improves over other proposed semisupervised naive Bayes methods when the training data are small (≤100).

In addition to the micro sign-test for one classification task, we also test for statistical significance across all classification tasks (i.e. different class labels and different corpora). We follow the guidelines in Ref. [7] to test whether the proposed method performs statistically significantly better than other NB methods across different classification tasks. First, we use the variation of the Friedman test proposed by Iman and Davenport [11] to check the null hypotheses that all classifiers perform equal. We use the Friedman test to compare the average ranking with respect to the break-even points, which are listed in Table 3 for different training data sizes. The resulting test statistics for training data sizes 50, 100, 300, 500, and 1000 are 36.4, 51.3, 49.1, 36.6, and 25.8, respectively. The test statistic is F-distributed with 6−1=5 and (6−1)·(53−1)=260 degrees of freedom. For all training data sizes (50, 100, 300, 500, and 1000), the test statistics is larger than the critical value of the corresponding F-distribution at significance level 0.05. We can therefore reject the null hypotheses. For post hoc test, we proceed with the Bonferroni-Dunn test with one control. This can be tested by comparing the average rank difference as explained in Ref. [7]. The critical difference (CD) for significance of at least p<0.05 is 0.94 and for p<0.10 is 0.85. Overall, we can conclude that our proposed method improves classification performance for small training data sizes (50–300). In particular, our proposed method improves statistically significant at p<0.05 over all other generative naive Bayes methods that use the background distribution (i.e. FM-NB and SAGE-NB).

Table 3:

Rankings of the Proposed Method and All Baselines for the Five Experimental Settings (Training Data Size in {50, 100, 300, 500, 1000}) Over All Corpora and All Binary Classifications Tasks. The CD Values for the Post Hoc Bonferroni-Dunn Test are 0.94 (p<0.05) and 0.85 (p<0.10). Bold Font Marks Highest Ranking. Asterisk Marks the Statistical Significance at p<0.10 (for Details, see Text).

Size 50Size 100Size 300Size 500Size 1000
Naive Bayes5.145.205.405.305.15

Finally, we inspect some of the δ’s that were actually learned by our proposed method. Recall that the hyperparameter δ denotes the probability that a word is generated from a class word distribution θw|z rather than from the background distribution γw. In general, we should expect that, for small labeled training data, the distribution p˜(w) that is induced by θw|z gives a bad estimate of γw. Consequently, as we have proven in Section 5.2, we expect that, for small labeled training data, the use of the background distribution γ becomes more important, leading to a small value for δ. Indeed, inspecting some of the values for δ in Table 4, we can experimentally confirm this.

Table 4:

Actual δ Values that were Learned with Empirical Bayes when Using Labeled Training Data of Size 100 and 1000, Respectively, Together with all Unlabeled Documents.

Corpus (class)Size 100Size 1000
Newsgroups (alt.atheism)0.5680.577
RCV1 (CCAT)0.6030.711
Reuters-21578 (acq)0.6350.777
Ohsumed (C01)0.5260.532

7 Conclusions

We analyzed a generative model for classification that models a word w being generated either from a class word distribution θw|z or from a background distribution γw. The decision whether a word is sampled from γw or θw|z is performed individually for each word by a Bernoulli trial with parameter δ. We explained that the hyperparameter δ can be learned using empirical Bayes (see Section 4.1).

Although similar models have been proposed in the past (see Section 2), we are the first to analyze and evaluate its usages in the context of text classification. Our theoretical and experimental analysis suggests that γw helps to model the misfitting of the unlabeled data to each class word distribution and can also be interpreted as a kind of feature weighting (see Section 5.1).

Furthermore, our experiments, in Section 6, using three standard text classification corpora showed that the proposed method can statistically significantly outperform previous NB extensions such as [20] and [8] that also incorporate the background distribution. Based on these results, we therefore think that there is strong evidence that a generative model for text classification should incorporate the background distribution as suggested in this paper.


We would like to thank the four anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and corrections.


A Derivation of EM Equations

In this appendix, we derive Equations (6) and (7). Let f(δ):=Eq[log p(D′, h|δ,γ)], where q is set to p(h|D′,δ,γ). Then, we have


where hi are the hidden variables for document i, and qi corresponds to marginal distribution p(hi|D′, δ, γ). Note that the first equation holds, as we assume that each document is generated independently given all model parameters. Next, using p(ti,hi|δ,γ)=p(zi)j=1kip(dj|δ)p(wj|dj,zi,γ), we get


The first term, as well as the last term, is a constant, as we consider q and all other parameters, except δ fixed. Therefore, we have for some constant C′:


where we note the change from qi to qj in the third line; qj corresponds to the marginal distribution q(dj). In the final line, we used that δ=p(dj=1) for all j. Setting df(δ)dδ to zero, we get that f(δ) is maximized by setting δ to


where the denominator equals N′, the total number of words (or more precisely, word occurrences) in the corpus. For the E-step, we need to calculate qj, which is


where j′≠j denotes all word indices from 1 to k, except j. Note that, if the document is a labeled document (training document) with class z′, we do not need to sum over all z but instead use only z′ in the above equation.

B Proof of Feature Weighting

In this appendix, we proof Equation (8).

Proof. Let a and b be two different values for γw such that b<a. We now need to prove that |log gw(b)|>|log gw(a)|.

In the first case, let us assume that θw|z1>θw|z2. We then have


In the above proof, line 4 to 5 follows by using that θw|z1>θw|z2, therefore, gw(b) and gw(a) are larger than 1. Furthermore, line 2 to 3 follows by first defining a′:=(1–δ)a, b′=(1–δ)b, and θ1:=δθw|z1,θ2:=δθw|z2. Then, line 3 can be written as


where we factored out (1–δ)δ and used that 0<δ<1.

In the second case, θw|z1<θw|z2, is analogously to before, where we have


In the above proof, line 2 to 3 follows by using that θw|z1<θw|z2, therefore, gw(b) and gw(a) are smaller than 1.

Finally, noting that the case for a<b is analogous, we can conclude that


C Proof of Divergence from Background Distribution

In this section, we proof the statement of Equation (9). To facilitate notation, let us write short θ˜z for the word probabilities {θ˜w|z}wV.

Proof. First, using Equation (3), we get that


where a variable with index “≠j” denotes all the variables with indices 1 to k, except index j. [12] Next, we inspect the two cases dj=1 and dj=0:


and analogously, we have


Putting these results together, we get that


D ML Estimate of δ Using only Labeled Training Data

In this section, we continue the proof of Section 5.3 and show that the ML estimate of δ* is 1.

Proof. Let δ be set to 1, then we have


where we defined Nw,z as the number of times word w occurs in topic z, and N is the total number of words. Next, we use that θ is the ML estimate of naive Bayes, i.e.


where Nz is the total number of words occurring in class z. Therefore, we get



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Received: 2017-01-27
Published Online: 2017-07-20
Published in Print: 2019-04-24

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