Please note that not all books mentioned on this list will be reviewed

Wicclair, M.: 2011, Conscientious Objection in Health Care. An Ethical Analysis. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 252 pages. ISBN 978-0-521514316. Price: £ 50.00

Sellman, D.: 2011, What Makes a Good Nurse. Why the Virtues are Important for Nurses. London: Jessica Kinglsey Publishers. 224 pages. ISBN: 978-1843109327. Price: £ 19.99

Lucrezi F., Mancuso, F. (eds.), 2010, Diritto e vita. Biodiritto, bioetica e biopolitica. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. 646 pages. ISBN: 978-8849826517. Price: € 35,00.

Matiti, M. and Baillie, L. (eds.), 2011, Dignity in Health Care: A Practical Approach For Nurses and Midwives. 268 pages. London: Radcliffe. ISBN: 978-1846193903. Price: £ 24.99

Groarke, L.: 2011, Moral Reasoning. Rediscovering the Ethical Tradition. Ontario: Oxford University Press Canada. 466 pages. ISBN 978-0195425611. Price: U$S 75.00

Joerden J., E. Hilgendorf, N. Petrillo, F. Thiele (eds.): 2011, Menschenwürde und moderne Medizintechnik. Baden–Baden: Nomos. 432 pages. ISBN 978-3832965969. Price: € 89.00

Glad, J.: 2011, Jewish Eugenics. Washington D.C.: Wooden Shore. 464 pages. ISBN 978-0897030052. Price: U$S 4.50

Boniolo, G.: 2011, Il pulpito e la piazza. Democrazia, deliberazione e scienze della vita. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore. 350 pages. ISBN 978-8860303714. Price: € 26.00

Dawson, A. and Verweij, M. (eds.): 2007, Ethics, Prevention and Public Health. Clarendon Press: Oxford. 256 pages. ISBN: 978-0199290697. Price: £ 35

Watt, H. (ed.), 2011, Fertility and Gender. Issues in Reproductive and Sexual Ethics. Oxford: Anscombe Bioethics Centre. 220 pages. ISBN: 978-0906561126. Price: £ 15.95.