Please note that not all books mentioned on this list will be reviewed

Bunge, M.: 2013, Medical Philosophy. Conceptual Issues in Medicine. Singapore: World Scientific. 270 pages. ISBN 978-9814508940. Price: £ 32.00.

Emmerich, N.: 2013, Medical Ethics Education: An Interdisciplinary and Social Theoretical Perspective, Heidelberg: Springer. 111 pages. ISBN 978-3-319004846. Price: £ 35.99

Jahr, F.: 2013, Aufsätze zur Bioethik 1924-1948, 2nd ed. Münster: LIT. 152 pages. ISBN: 978-3-643-11812-7. Price: € 24.90.

Blank, R.: 2013, Intervention in the Brain. Politics, Policy, and Ethics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 344 pages. ISBN: 978-0262018913. Price: US $34.00.

Lopez de la Vieja, M. T.: 2013, Bioética y Literatura, 264 pages. Madrid : Plaza y Valdés. ISBN : 978-8415271710. Price: € 17.50.

Casonato, C.: 2012, Introduzione al biodiritto. 3rd ed. Torino: Giappichelli. 248 pages. ISBN 978-8834-828038. Price: € 22.00.

García Llerena, V.: 2012, De la bioética a la biojurídica: el principialismo y sus alternativas. Granada: Comares. 230 pages. ISBN: 978-84-9836-942-7. Price: € 21.00.