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Two Aspects of the Cognitive Processing of Narrative (CROSBI ID 596276)

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Žanić, Joško Two Aspects of the Cognitive Processing of Narrative // Cognition and Poetics Conference 2013 / Bergs, A. et al. (ur.). Osnabrück: Osnabrueck University, 2013. str. 63-63

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Žanić, Joško


Two Aspects of the Cognitive Processing of Narrative

The main hypothesis of this paper is that the cognitive processing of a fictional narrative text comprises two aspects, i. e. two temporally partially overlapping but importantly distinct cognitive processes: narrative comprehension and narrative interpretation. Narrative comprehension, in addition to recruiting conceptual domains and domain matrices needed to follow the story (and to understand its discourse, i. e. the set of ways it is told), crucially involves placing the content of the story within a fictional frame, which "closes off" this content from what is construed as factual knowledge. Narrative interpretation, on the other hand, consists primarily in token→type conversion: namely, certain tokens (people, relations, situations) encountered at the level of the story are interpreted as having general significance and as potentially being symbolic of (classes of) real-world entities. Processing a fictional narrative text therefore involves a partly sequential, partly simultaneous cognitive movement in two opposite directions: on the one hand, closing off the contents of the story within the fictional frame and on the other transcending the frame by means of token→type conversion and thereby understanding the fictional text as not purely a report on a sequence of events but as a semantic structure with abstract import, elements of which can be used to guide the categorization of experience or can prompt one to reflect on certain issues. The exact nature of this token→type conversion is explored in more detail, namely its sources (tokens and token-ensembles) and its methods (loosening, integration).

narrative comprehension; narrative interpretation; fictional frame; token/type conversion

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bergs, A. et al.

Osnabrück: Osnabrueck University

Podaci o skupu

Cognition and Poetics Conference 2013



Osnabrück, Njemačka

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