Solidarity: The Analysis of a Social Movement: Poland 1980–1

Alain Touraine etal, Solidarity: The Analysis of a Social Movement: Poland 1980-1. Translated from the French by David Denby (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983) 203 pp.


Solidarity is a complex theoretical and historical investigation of one of the most dynamic social movements in post-World War II Europe. For some time now, Touraine has attempted to develop a comprehensive theory of social movements. In Solidarity, he and fellow researchers François Dubet, Michel Wieviorka, and Jan Strezelecki, apply the theories of action, movement and sociological intervention elaborated in The Voice and The Eye to the situation in Poland 1980-1. Solidarity is one of many attempts by Touraine to combine a comprehensive theory of social change and action with the history of a contemporary social movement. Here Touraine et al. attempt to explain “the nature, internal workings and the evolution of Solidarity.”

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