On Constructive Legal Science Then and Now

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On Constructive Legal Science Then and Now
Bindreiter, Uta

From the journal ARSP Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Volume 97, March 2011, issue 1

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 16074 Words
Original language: English
ARSP 2011, pp 78-106


The article purports, firstly, to shed some light on the meaning of the verb “to construct”, used by the German jurists Gerber and Jhering in connection with their juristic technique; and, secondly, to establish whether or not three more modern types of jurisprudence, suggested by Swedish legal scholars, can legitimately be called constructive. Not intending to criticize the theories which these suggestions are based upon, the author contents herself with focussing on the verb “to construct” and its derivatives and on the shift of meaning these words may have experienced.

Author information

Uta Bindreiter