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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Gütersloher Verlagshaus September 9, 2014

Wertvolle Freiheit wahrnehmen

Werteerziehung und ethische Bildung als religions- und gemeindepädagogische Aufgabe

  • Peter Buhmann


In Gennany politicians, scholars of education and joumalists plead for a new attention to ( ethical) values (»Werte«). Butthereis no comrnon sense, that theology should refer to values at all. The author argues (against Eberhard Jüngel and others), that christian freedorn should be transfonned to ethical values, that rneans to (ethical) goods, duties and virtues in order to become a »wertvolle Freiheit« (worthy freedorn). Looking back to the history of educational science, one of the fundamental dirnensions of education always was ethical education. Today such ethical education should concentrate at the practice of the different aspects of christian freedorn: Beginning with the experiences of the gift of freedorn and Iove, freedom needs promising visions of God's kingdom and justice and rnust be trained as cornrnunicating and cooperative freedorn in responsibility for each other. The rnethods of religious education in school and parish should consider all those dirnensions of freedorn. But first of all, the structures of educational institutions have tobe in accordance to those visions of freedorn.

Online erschienen: 2014-9-9
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