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132Franciscan Studies culum; 7. Laudatio Dei Gloriosi; 8. Laus Secunda; 9. Testament of Mark from Chartularium Ecclesiae Toletanae. In presenting these texts, the editors have tried to clarify the obscurities due to the corruption of the Arabic text of Ibn Tumart and to this end have added not only footnotes but a supplementary commentary which constitutes part IV. The volume concludes with a Lexicon comprising three sections: i. Arabic-Latin, where the authors give the Latin equivalent used by Mark for the Arabic terms or expressions together with references to the pages of the text or commentary where they occur; 2. Latin-Arabic, where the Arabic translation of Latin terms are given together with cross-references to the first section of the Lexicon; 3. an index of Latin and Arabic proper names. Allan B. Wolter, 0. F. M. Franciscan Institute Gualteri CanceUarii et Bartholomaei de Bononia O. F. M. Quaestiones ineditae de Assumptione B. V. Mariae, quae ad fidem manuscriptorum edidit A. Deneffe, S. J. Editio secunda, aucta et emendata quam curavit H. Weisweiler, S. J. (Opuscula et Textus historiam Ecclesiae eiusque vitam atque doctrinam Ulustrantia — Séries Scholastica , edita curantibus J. Koch et Fr. Pelster, S. J., fase. IX), Muenster-Westfalen : Verlag Aschendorff, [1952] ; 85 pp. With this second edition of the oldest Disputed Questions on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin the re-pubücation of the Opuscula et Textus is under way. Since the original editor died some ten years ago, this second edition has been prepared by the renowned medievaüst Fr. Weisweiler. Because this is a second edition, our dutyis mainlyto point out the difference between this one and the first edition. The text of the Disputed Questions did not change much. But, guided and helped by the Uterature apropos of the encycUcal "Munificentissimus Deus", on the Assumption, H. Weisweiler was able to complete and correct the references to the sources, especiaUy of the work of Walter. The bibhography on the related problems, e. g. the origin of the De assumptione B. Mariae Virginis liber unus (PseudoAugustine ) and the Epistula 9 of the Pseudo-Jerome, is also brought up to date. The greatest changes, however, took place in the two chapters preceding the text-edition. Written by Fr. Pelster, S. J., — just as in the first edition, — they deal with the background of the Disputed Questions, viz. the doctrinal attitude of the XIIIth century towards the Assumption (p. 3—10), and they describe the authors of the Questions and their influence, and enumerate the manuscripts used (p. 11—18). We congratulate both H. Weisweiler and Fr. Pelster for their extensive knowledge of the literature on the XIIIth century and the judicial use made of it. We highly recommend the work for theological seminars, not only because the texts are appropriate for them, but, also, because the scholarly accuracy of the Introduction and notes will set a good example for the Book Reviews133 student. We recommend the work especially for Franciscan seminars: the first opuscule strongly influenced the doctrine on the Assumption in the Early Franciscan School, and the second one is written by a Franciscan. Eligius M. Buytaert, O. F. M. Franciscan Institute The Discursive Power: sources and doctrine of the Vis Cogitativa according to St. Thomas Aquinas. By George P. Klubertanz, S. J. (St. Louis: The Modern Schoolman, 1952. Pp. VII-353. Paper. $ 5,00.) To appreciate this dissertation (Toronto, 1947), one must realize the lack of any extensive Uterature on the inner senses considered from the historical viewpoint. Apart from a few articles such as that by H. A. Wolfson in the Harvard Theological Review (1935) and the thesis of Fr. E. J. Ryan, The Role of the "Sensus Communis" in the Psychology of St. Thomas Aquinas (1951), most studies are content to consider the topic from a systematic viewpoint based on the doctrine of Saint Thomas. Father Klubertanz essays to give both the historical background as well as a detailed study of the Angelic Doctor. Though his primary subject is the discursive power, the vis cogitativa, the very nature of his research has resulted in an over-all history of the interior powers of sense-cognition. The first half of the thesis...

