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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 14, 2021

The Nature and Status of Concepts in Phenomenology

  • Evan Clarke EMAIL logo


This essay examines the debate that arose immediately following the publication of the first volume of Edmund Husserl's Ideas regarding the model of concept formation that Husserl sketches in that work. After a brief overview of the relevant passages from the Ideas, I take up essay-length responses to Husserl by August Messer, Theodor Elsenhans, and Heinrich Gustav Steinmann. Reflecting a variety of empiricist commitments, all three authors are skeptical that concepts can be expected to embody the essence of a corresponding phenomenon. Subsequently, I review the responses to these critiques offered by Husserl, his then-assistant Edith Stein, and Paul Linke. For Linke, it is at least highly probable that certain concepts derive their content from an apprehension of essence. The empiricist alternative, he argues, is fatally unstable. Husserl and Stein, meanwhile, offer a more forceful defense of this position. Unless we allow that certain kinds of concepts can originate from a grasp of essence, they argue, we will be unable to explain how certain manifest cognitive accomplishments are possible.

Corresponding author: Evan Clarke, Northeastern University, Toronto Campus, Canada, E-mail:


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Published Online: 2021-12-14
Published in Print: 2022-07-26

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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