La carriera militare di Teodosio il Vecchio

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La carriera militare di Teodosio il Vecchio

Il soprannome trionfale Francicus maximus di Valentiniano I e la tendenziosità storiografica di Ammiano Marcellino

Colombo, Maurizio

From the journal Historia Historia, Volume 66, June 2017, issue 2

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 15706 Words
Original language: Italian
Historia 2017, pp 228-256


Dealing with the career of Theodosius the Elder, we are bound to solve three other issues, namely: 1) the date of the military campaign whence the triumphal surname Francicus maximus came to Valentinian I; 2) the identification of the Franks won in that time; 3) the historiographical perspective and the narrative reasons that impelled Ammianus Marcellinus to drop completely the war with the Franks from the Res Gestae. Here we will review the four issues step by step. Firstly we will reconstruct the career of the Hispanic general, then we will identify the Franks. Finally, we will find the date and the place of Valentinian’s bellum Francicum. At the same time we will throw new light on the chronology of the barbarica conspiratio as well as on the Ammianean methods of narrative distortion and historiographical manipulation.

Author information

Maurizio Colombo


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