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Verifica di un pregiudizio scettico

Riflessioni vecchie e nuove sull’episodio di Elena in Eneide II

  • Gian Biagio Conte EMAIL logo
From the journal Philologus


The author returns to a much debated topic, the so-called “Episode of Helen”, which has come to us only through indirect transmission, and endeavors to dismantle the prejudice against Virgilian authorship. G. P. Goold’s pugnacious intervention, dating back to more than half a century ago, contributed decisively – in fact, more than it should have – to the thesis that the text is spurious. A critical analysis of the text will demonstrate this claim to be groundless while offering arguments that support the authenticity of the episode.


Ringrazio per alcuni ottimi suggerimenti Giulia Ammannati, Emanuele Berti, Domenico Giordani, Gianpiero Rosati, Alessandro Schiesaro. Devo agli anonimi referees osservazioni utili di cui sono grato; voglio anzi riportarne una che mi pare particolarmente importante: “The higher frequency of textual problems in the HE (the main problem for Horsfall and Casali) can be plausibly explained as the result of its indirect transmission as part of the Servian commentary in the Carolingian period; if we had the rest of Vergil’s text through the same channel and not through the late antique capital MSS, we would have many more problems to solve”.


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Published Online: 2023-04-28
Published in Print: 2023-06-05

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