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Open Access Published by De Gruyter December 23, 2009

Popular Traditions, Folklore and Politics

  • Olga Danglová
From the journal Human Affairs

Popular Traditions, Folklore and Politics

The article studies how the "language" of folk traditions and folklore continues to be a tried-and-tested means for the representation and propagation of political concepts and ideas. The author notes transformations in the significance of folklore and folk traditions in historically changing both political and socio-cultural contexts. Attention is drawn to the significance of folklore in the nation-forming thinking of the 19th century, the place of honour accorded to it as an expression of the working people during the period of socialism, and its contradictory perception in the post-socialist context today.


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Published Online: 2009-12-23
Published in Print: 2009-12-01

© 2009 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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