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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 29, 2007

(In)Security and Citizenship: Security, Im/migration and Shrinking Citizenship Regimes

  • Alexandra Dobrowolsky

This Article points to a widening gap between citizenship theories and practices. Although discourses of citizenship resonate widely and are used extensively by scholars and policy makers, the author argues that the social, economic, political and even psychological processes of citizenship are shrinking in a contemporary context of global insecurity where im/migration and ever more restrictive national security concerns have become enmeshed in law, as well as in the public consciousness. As a result, this Article explores new trends of securitization and related processes of marketization, racialization and the invisibilization and/or instrumentalization of women and evaluates their impact on citizenship in Canada and Britain. A citizenship regime framework structures the analysis and highlights the contraction of citizenship in both countries. In the end, despite their purported concern with citizenship, social exclusion and social cohesion, British and Canadian state’s responses serve to perpetuate feelings of insecurity on the part of both citizens and non-citizens.

Published Online: 2007-5-29

©2011 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin/Boston

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