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The work of Peirce’s Dicisign in representationalizing early deictic events

  • Donna E. West EMAIL logo
From the journal Semiotica


Directing attention to features in the here and now (via individual or joint ventures) is the single, most basic purpose for Dicisigns in human ontogeny. To effectively individuate in the stream of relational awareness, attentional devices must maximize notice of the dynamicity of primary graphical displays. This is a complex process, in that it requires codification of several interconnected but individualized spatial systems and event correlates: associating objects with locations, utilizing other objects as reference points, using intrinsic sidedness and absolute points of reference to orient, and anticipating potential alterations of participants within the spatial array. Early awareness of shifting object location relies upon a double sign (index, icon) to identify and implement landmarks for precise object location. Afterward, establishing other persons/objects as referent points becomes critical. Determining orientation and motility ultimately requires individuating-shape representamen which can leverage spatial inferencing –defining participant action schemes via event profiles. In other words, expectations of action paths which attentional signs afford drives well-formed abductions of participants’ likely momentary orientational shifts. Nonetheless, to successfully predict these shifts, Dicisigns must supersede affiliation with single energetic interpretants; they need to incorporate logical interpretants realized in agent-receiver role reciprocation.


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Published Online: 2018-10-31
Published in Print: 2018-11-06

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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