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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 5, 2011

M. Rubinsteins Projekt der praktischen Philosophie des Neukantianismus: Pädagogik als angewandtes Wertesystem

  • Kirill Faradzhev
From the journal Kant-Studien


This article is devoted to the Russian Neokantian philosopher, teacher and member of the Kant Society, Moses M. Rubinstein, who attined his doctoral degree under Rickert in 1905 and who was very involved in promoting Kantianism in Russian. He is known for his public defence of Kant in 1914 at the time of the slavophile attacks on Kantian philosophy occasioned by World War I. Rubinstein's essay on “The Logical Foundations of the Hegelian System and the End of History” was published in Kant-Studien in 1906. In his chief work “On the Meaning of Life”, Rubinstein attempted a synthesis of Neokantianism and the philosophy of life.

Online erschienen: 2011-06-05
Erschienen im Druck: 2011-June

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