Legislating For Future Generations: Goal Regulation

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Legislating For Future Generations: Goal Regulation
Fikkers, Saskia

From the journal ARSP Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Volume 102, March 2016, issue 1

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 10576 Words
Original language: English
ARSP 2016, pp 2-21


This paper discusses different ways of formulating regulation that takes into account a responsibility towards future generations in environmental issues. A rights-based or human-rights based approach, based on notions of intergenerational equity, can be problematic on a conceptual level, and implementation of rights for future generations is challenging. An alternative approach is based on the assignment of duties to present generations rather than rights of future generations. This approach, which is often used in regulation concerning sustainability, uses goal regulation to avoid conceptual problems with rights of future generations while it still provides the opportunity to safeguard their interests and needs.

Author information

Saskia Fikkers