A proposito di Curt. 10,1,10–15

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A proposito di Curt. 10,1,10–15
Galli, Daniela

From the journal Hermes Hermes, Volume 141, March 2013, issue 1

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

miscellaneous, 5055 Words
Original language: Italian
Hermes 2013, pp 108-116


The recent historical commentary on Curtius’ Hi storiae book X by JOHN E. ATKINSON (2009) points out that the account of the expedition at the mouth of the Indus given by Nearchus and Onesicritus to Alexander coheres with the one presented by Diodorus in book 17 of his Historiae in many respects. So ATKINSON believes that Diodorus and Curtius may have used the same source, probably Clitarchus. However, LUISA PRANDI in her study on the reception of Clitarchus’ work by later authors, has recognized nothing but generic similarities between Curtius’ and Diodorus’s accounts; she believes that both authors used a different source. In this paper, the issue is examined again, and Curtius’ account is compared with all the other sources for the same topic.

Author information

Daniela Galli