1 Erratum to: J Gen Philos Sci (2013) 44:63–67 DOI 10.1007/s10838-013-9208-6

The original publication of Alexander Gebharter’s “Solving the flagpole problem” (in vol. 44, no. 1, 2013) contains two typos.

In step 3 of the SGS algorithm presented on p. 65 there appears a ‘Y’ instead of a ‘Z’ twice. In particular, step 3 of the SGS algorithm should read as follows: “For all X,Y,ZV: If XYZ (or XYZ) and X and Z are non-adjacent (not XZ), then orient XYZ (and accordingly XYZ) as XYZ in the graph resulting from step 2 if and only if X and Z are probabilistically dependent conditional on every subset M of V\{X,Z} with YM.