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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Akademie Verlag April 16, 2010

Bilder über Bilder Erfahrungen mit der datenbankgestützten Digitalisierung mittelalterlicher Handschriften im Greifswalder Erschließungsprojekt

  • Jürgen Geiß
From the journal Das Mittelalter


The project for cataloguing mediaeval manuscripts at Greifswald was the first to be combined with a digitization of the manuscripts catalogued. For about one third of the collection, digital images were produced from the existing black-and-white microfilms; for the remaining two thirds of the manuscripts, selected pages were digitized directly from the original in colour. The digital images were integrated into the descriptions of the manuscripts accessible via the German manuscript database “Manuscripta mediaevalia”. In comparison with similar forms of publication on the internet, the article describes the advantages which the combination of cataloguing and digitization presents to the users of mediaeval manuscripts, and also discusses the problems and additional requirements on the part of the cataloguer responsible for the selection of pages to be digitized, the quality control of digital images, and the integration of the image addresses into the database.

Published Online: 2010-04-16
Published in Print: 2009-12

© by Akademie Verlag, Berlin, Germany

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