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This article touches upon the significance of the traditional Chinese law in the Ancient times. It refers not only to Confucianism and legalism, but it also reveals some information about Daoism and its point of view on the Chinese legal system. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive semiotic analysis of the Chinese characters related to law and some philosophical insight into traditional Chinese legal system. The following study focuses primarily on presentation of different perspectives on law in Ancient China by giving some examples of law application and divergent judgments depending on Confucian and legalist thinking. The discourse presented in this study is centred on the traditional Chinese values and brings us to the final considerations about Chinese legal culture.

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Łągiewska, M. Droit Chinois Traditionnel: Vision des Confucianistes et Légistes. Int J Semiot Law 35, 479–492 (2022).

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