Class Struggle is the Name of the Game: True Confessions of a Marxist Businessman

Bertell Oilman, Class Struggle Is the Name of the Game: True Confessions of a Marxist Businessman. William Morrow and Co. New York, 1983. 288 pages. $12.95.


It is impossible to read this book and not take a strong liking to Oilman. It is well written, witty, and humorous. Except for his rebaptism of Toni Negri as Paolo Negri (on page 209), this is a polished, extremely well edited, and generally elegant work. Oilman has written a book with a lot of class, (not the kind he prefers) and a modicum of struggle (between his ideology and his social being). This is the story of Oilman's attempt to market what he considers the socialist answer to “Monopoly”: “Class Struggle,”. On the level of entertainment, the book is a winner, as long as one does not take it seriously.

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