La Barbarie à visage humain

Bernard-Henri Lévy. La Barbarie à visage humain. Paris: Grasset, 1977. 226 pages.


Bernard-Henri Lévy, a former Maoist, is the editor of the Grasset “Collections Figures et Théoriciens” which at present comprises what has become known as “la nouvelle philosophie.” Included under this ambiguous but clever media designation (which originated with Lévy) are recent works by Jean-Marie Benoist, Hervé Chayette, Jean-Paul Dollé, Michel Guérin, Guy Lardreau, Christian Jambet, Michel Le Bris, Philippe Nemo, Francoise Paul-Lévy and the provocative best selling manifesto by editor Lévy, La Barbarie à visage humain (Barbarism with a Human Face). André Glucksmann has attempted to avoid having his own work labeled as “la nouvelle philosophie” but after the appearance of his Les Maitres Penseurs (Grasset, 1977) he would appear to be stuck with the designation.

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