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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton May 19, 2015

From words and sentences to interjections: The anatomy of exclamations in Peirce and Wittgenstein

  • Dinda L. Gorlée

    Dinda L. Gorlée (b. 1943) is a research associate of Wittgenstein Archives is a department of the institute of philosophy at the University of Bergen (Norway). Her research interests include semiotics, linguistics, translation studies, and interarts studies. Her publications include On translating signs: Exploring text and semio-translation (2004); Song and significance: Virtues and vices of vocal translation (2005); Wittgenstein in translation: Exploring semiotic signatures (2012); and From translation to transduction: The glassy essence of intersemiosis (2014).

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From the journal Semiotica


Interjections are exclamatory signs fostering a realistic conception of the perils and uncertainties of human experience. Natural interjections are reactionary signs in degenerate pre-signs (preverbs or prenouns), unconnected to other syntactic forms of grammar. The simplicity of natural interjections are distinguished from the more complex occasional interjections, expressed in full pseudo-sentences with grammatical constructions. The prehistory of the natural interjections are first the simple cries of babies, and second the artificial construction of pidgin (creolization) of mixed languages. In interjections, literal language becomes transformed into figurative and metaphorical “language,” that is intermedial speech with vocalization and gestures. Peirce’s “syntax” (Charles Sanders Peirce 1839–1914) argues for the pragmatic interjections in the exclamations of spontaneous cries and shouts. In the framework of Peirce’s logical categories, interjections represent first of secondness. The degenerate form analyzes the vague or indeterminate meaning through pictures of diagrams. Wittgenstein’s social “grammar” (Ludwig Wittgenstein 1889–1951) of language-games is subject to cultural forms of life. Wittgenstein disagrees on accepting the “nonsensical” or meaningless interjections, but in his later writings he will agree to giving the interjections fuzzy meanings.

About the author

Dinda L. Gorlée

Dinda L. Gorlée (b. 1943) is a research associate of Wittgenstein Archives is a department of the institute of philosophy at the University of Bergen (Norway). Her research interests include semiotics, linguistics, translation studies, and interarts studies. Her publications include On translating signs: Exploring text and semio-translation (2004); Song and significance: Virtues and vices of vocal translation (2005); Wittgenstein in translation: Exploring semiotic signatures (2012); and From translation to transduction: The glassy essence of intersemiosis (2014).


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Published Online: 2015-5-19
Published in Print: 2015-6-1

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