E-LOGOS 2016, 23(2):4-9 | DOI: 10.18267/j.e-logos.432

Limits of Moral Relativism

Joseph Grcic
Philosophy Dept., Indiana State University

Keywords: moral relativism, Parsons, AGIL paradigm, adaptation, goal attainment, integration, pattern maintenance, virtues.

Talcott Parsons' analysis of the social system and the AGIL paradigm can show the necessity of certain foundational values and the limits of moral relativism.

Prepublished online: December 10, 2016; Published: December 1, 2016  Show citation

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Grcic, J. (2016). Limits of Moral Relativism. E-LOGOS23(2), 4-9. doi: 10.18267/j.e-logos.432
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