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Garroni, the late Peirce, and the issue of creativity

  • Eduardo Grillo and Giacinto Davide Guagnano EMAIL logo
From the journal Semiotica


The iconic and diagrammatic features of abduction, as expressed in Peirce’s works after 1890, allow one to re-read the Kantian concept of schema. By means of this new reading, it is possible to consider the dynamics between legality and creative acts, which, according to Emilio Garroni, keep cultures alive. This process can be analysed by a semiotic theory that could combine the features of Kant’s Aesthetic Judgment (as an answer to schema’s problems) and Peirce’s last theory of abduction. In this way, it becomes possible to go beyond the simple subsumption, through Reflective Judgment, of sensible intuitions under a concept. Thus, creativity becomes the process, both mental and cultural, whereby a new regularity come from the background of the previous one as a result of the free play of our faculties (Musement), which sets links between universes of experience apparently very distant one from another.

Corresponding author: Giacinto Davide Guagnano, University of Trier, Trier, Germany, E-mail:


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Published Online: 2020-09-01
Published in Print: 2020-11-26

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