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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) December 19, 2012

Die Funktion von Grenzbegriffen. Symposium zu: Eckart Förster: Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie

  • Johannes Haag


The discussion of the hermetical §§ 76/77 of Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment is the centerpiece of Eckart Förster’s groundbreaking Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. The decisive methodological tool employed by Kant in those sections is the use of limiting concepts such as intellectual intuition and intuitive intellect. Förster’s discussion of the use of limiting concepts in those paragraphs is outlined and ultimately – despite some criticism in exegetical detail – assessed as the right way to reconstruct the intricate argument of those important sections.

Published Online: 2012-12-19
Published in Print: 2012-12

© by Akademie Verlag, Berlin, Germany

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