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Entwurfslehren und ‚Grammatik architektonischer Form‘

Wissensbestände der Architektur von Vitruv bis zum Handbuch der Architektur

From the book Abel im Dialog

  • Uta Hassler


Günter Abel’s Philosophy of Signs and Interpretation contains, just like the “knowledge research” Abel developed, a number of possible connections to architecture, more precisely to the history of architecture and its bodies of knowledge, and to the theory of architecture. The history of architecture can be conceived as a history of signs and interpretation. And the theory of architecture is obviously concerned with different forms of knowledge and their interactions and dynamics. Philosophy of signs and interpretation is declaredly not a semiotics. Hence, in terms of architecture, it must not be confused with the topos “semiotic system architecture”, as it was used since the 1960ies. Abel’s approach avoids those theory constrictions that started since the change around 1900 for the developments of the theory of architecture and the entire discipline of architecture and that have been characteristic from the second half of the 20th century until today.

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