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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 28, 2018

Categories in Stromata VIII

  • Matyáš Havrda
From the journal Elenchos


The article is an analysis of a chapter dealing with the Aristotelian categories in the so-called eighth book of Stromata by Clement of Alexandria, a collection of notes from a philosophical source (or sources) concerned with the theory of demonstration and related issues. Though seldom mentioned in contemporary scholarship, this short chapter is a valuable testimony of the reception of the Categories in the philosophy of the Imperial period and before the time of Alexander of Aphrodisias. After a brief survey of its contents, the article investigates parallels in philosophical literature and explores the function of the chapter within the larger context of Stromata VIII. In the final section the question of Clement's source is addressed. Drawing on earlier research concerning other parts of the eighth book, the article argues that in this case, too, Galen's lost writing on demonstration is a likely candidate.

Published Online: 2018-09-28
Published in Print: 2012-06-01

© 2018 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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