Precedential Reasoning and Dynastic Self-Fashioning in the Rescripts of Severus Alexander

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Precedential Reasoning and Dynastic Self-Fashioning in the Rescripts of Severus Alexander
Herz, Zachary

From the journal Historia Historia, Volume 69, March 2020, issue 1

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 11563 Words
Original language: English
Historia 2020, pp 103-125


This article argues that the rescripts of Severus Alexander (r. 222-235 C. E.) preserved within the Codex Iustinianus are markedly idiosyncratic in their reasoning; specifically, they are disproportionately likely to analogize Alexander’s decisions to those of earlier emperors. This tendency suggests a conscious effort to portray Alexander as hewing to earlier Severan and Antonine models of governance, and conforms with Alexander’s public image in other media more commonly understood as ideologically charged.

Author information

Zachary Herz


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