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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Gütersloher Verlagshaus September 9, 2014

Viele Kulturen – eine Gesellschaft Multikulturalität in europäischer Perspektive

Der Erinnerung an Bischof Dr. Hans-Gemot Jung gewidmet

  • Wolfgang Huber


The concept of »multiculturality« is based both on mutual recognition and realized identity. The former implies respect and tolerance for each other's different cultural patterns on the basis of an overlapping consensus of »core values« like human rights. The latter implies an affirmation and development of each particular culture. This runs counter to any cultural or religious relativism. The recognition ofthe alien is not only a basic concept in the experience of Israel but is also implied by the Pauline concept of justification by faith. On this basis the churches in Europe should neither advocate »Europrovincialism« nor »Eurointegralism« but »Eurofederalism«: a democratic process in which regions and nations grow together from the grassroots Ievel while respecting each other's cultural traditions. The international ecumenical community of the churches can become an example of such a process.

Online erschienen: 2014-9-9
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