Self-Motion and the Physical Motion

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Self-Motion and the Physical Motion

A New Interpretation of the Kinds of Motion in Plato’s Laws X

Hu, Binghao

From the journal Hermes Hermes, Volume 150, December 2022, issue 4

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 10092 Words
Original language: German
Hermes 2022, pp 405-424


In order to demonstrate the existence of the god, Plato introduces an investigation into the kinds of movement in the Laws X. This research begins obviously with the circular movement and the local movement of the Platonic Polyhedrons, follows with their combination, separation, growth and decay that result in the generation and destruction of the four elements and all perceptible things, and ends with the corporeal movement that encompasses the preceding eight elemental motion-types, and the motion of the soul, which is proclaimed to be the self-motion. Given that the self-motion is caused by the intellect and functions as the principle and reason of all physical movements in the χώρα, the soul is deemed to be divine, in this sense the existence of the god is demonstrated.

Author information

Binghao Hu


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