Local production and global trade

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Local production and global trade

Roman means of arbitration in the commerce of wine

Israelowich, Ido

From the journal Hermes Hermes, Volume 149, March 2021, issue 1

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 8973 Words
Original language: English
Hermes 2021, pp 53-69


This article examines forms of arbitration in commercial wine transactions known as ‘sales on delivery’. This category includes transactions by which the price was paid for a product which was delivered in a set future date. They also included a caveat by which the vendor guaranteed the quality of the wine and promised to replace it, if it fails to meet expectations. By juxtaposing papyrological evidence with that of the legal sources, and the identity of potential arbiters with other para-legal authoritative figures, I hope to shed much needed light on the growing emergence of professional prowess in settling commercial disputes and then, assessing the implications of this form of arbitration on Roman judicature in general.

Author information

Ido Israelowich


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