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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Akademie Verlag November 30, 2014

Infamis etiam campio non esse potest. Kämpen in deutschen und italienischen Städten des Spätmittelalters zwischen Marginalität und Rechtspflege

  • Christian Jaser EMAIL logo
From the journal Das Mittelalter


Historical research on the complex legal and social roles of medieval mercenary champions hired as proxies to fight in judicial duels has long been dominated by simplistic categorisations and static repetitions of their reputed infamy. Concentrating on account books and statutes of late medieval German and Italian cities, this article seeks, in contrast, to reconstruct the dynamic institutionalisation and control of civic champions. Thereby, their ambiguous perception reveals a complex interplay between marginality, enhancement of their status as legal agents and a latent suspiciousness regarding their peculiar representational role.

Published Online: 2014-11-30
Published in Print: 2014-11-1

© 2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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