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Ethics in knowledge and technology transfer (CROSBI ID 522206)

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Kniewald, Zlatko Ethics in knowledge and technology transfer // Annual 2005 of the Croatian Academy of Engineering / Kniewald, Zlatko (ur.). 2005. str. 270-271-x

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Kniewald, Zlatko


Ethics in knowledge and technology transfer

Every scientific discovery that is intended for direct application, while on its way to the market, may as well put into question some ethical standards.The ques- tion is:Who is responsible in the process?The scientists that have achieved the discovery, for which they usually are not rewarded at all, or those that turn the sci- entific discovery into a market product with its commercial value?Are the scien- tists in the position to influence the producer, who, for instance, deliberately main- tains an obsolete technology that not only pollutes the environment, but is also on the verge of rentability, not to mention the decrease of profit, while the existing production may still maintain the profit at the constant level?And, if they are in such position, in what way can they make the influence?Are the scientists in the position to influence the decisions made by the “ state ” or the “ politics ” in cases when the demands of growth of the population standard is likely to change the ap- pearance of the environment that has been preserved by traditional way of life? And, if they are in such position, in what way can they make the influence?Every day we face the derogation of the ethical standards, only the question is whether the one who derogates them is convinced thet he does that with the aim of obtain- ing a greater good for his fellow men, or he does that for the sake of his own inter- est that ignores the ethical standards.Being ethical is a wisdom that we learn as long as we live, but we have to admit that the individual point of view is often cru- cial for ethical evaluation of someone's deeds.The world could hardly achieve a fast development if being ethical would be a wide-spread effort, obligatory every- where and towards everyone.Thus this discussion does not aim to the final solu- tions, but instead it aims to reconsider the problem and make the personal frame- work for what is ethical or unethical.It also aims to keeping our deeds within the limits of a generally accepted behaviour during our lifetime.

science; technology and ethics; market and ethics; life-long ethical approaches

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kniewald, Zlatko

Podaci o skupu

Ethics in Application and Development of the Engineering Sciences



Zagreb, Hrvatska

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