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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton October 22, 2019

The cultural transformation of the proprioceptive senses

  • Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos EMAIL logo
From the journal Semiotica


The research question of the present paper is what relation exists between biology and cultural semiosis and I examine as a token of this question the relation between the physiological senses of proprioception and the cultural concepts corresponding to them. While the origins of semiosis are biological, the origin of proprioceptive concepts is debated. Against the biological view that the proprioceptive senses define directly the concepts corresponding to them, there is an opposite view supporting that these concepts are culture-specific. The concept of “classification system” is counter-proposed as the structural framework for the study of proprioceptive concepts.

The paper discusses the senses and concepts of proprioception on the basis of a large corpus of anthropological and archaeological material concerning the semiotic systems of precapitalist societies and with the help of a set of metalinguistic spatial concepts. These metalinguistic concepts are up vs. down, front vs. rear, and right vs. left. The senses corresponding to them lead to the senses and concepts of spatial orientation and presuppose a point of reference, closely related to the sense of equilibrium.

My conclusion is that the cultural concepts corresponding to these senses are not directly extrapolated from the senses themselves, but are culture-specific and each time integrated within a different cultural and social environment.


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Published Online: 2019-10-22
Published in Print: 2019-11-26

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