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Immanuel Kant on the philosophy of communicology: The tropic logic of rhetoric and semiotics

  • Richard L. Lanigan EMAIL logo
From the journal Semiotica


The article consists of a brief biographical account of Immanuel Kant’s life and career, followed by a discussion of his basic philosophy, and a brief discussion of his pivotal point in the history of Rhetoric and Communicology. A major figure in the European Enlightenment period of Philosophy, his Collected Writings were first published in 1900 constituting 29 volumes. He wrote three major works that are foundational to the development of Western philosophy and the human sciences. Often just referred to as the “Three Critiques” informally, the First, the Second, and the Third. These are respectively: The Critique of Pure Reason focused on issues in logic, The Critique of Practical Reason relating ethical guidelines, and The Critique of Judgment exploring issues of aesthetics. He is most famous for his philosophy of transcendental idealism. This version of idealism argues that in logic statements are analytic (subject and predicate are the same; no new information) or synthetic (predicate differs from the subject; new information is constituted). He further argues that statements are a priori (before experience) or a posteriori (a result of experience). Models of rhetoric (tropic logic), phenomenological methodology, and the contemporary Perspectives Model of interpersonal communicology are included as the Kantian legacy in the US. Notes provide a guide to edition and philological issues in the Kantian corpus, especially for the hermeneutics of Vorstellung (‘presentation’) versus Darstellung (‘representation’).


An abstracted and partial version of this paper (précis without quotations, most figures, appendices, and bibliographic citation references) was published as the encyclopedia entry “Immanuel Kant” (Lanigan 2016a). The present peer reviewed paper was first presented on 12 November 2016 and given the Award “Outstanding Paper in the Philosophy of Communication,” Philosophy of Communication Division, 102nd Annual Convention, National Communication Association (USA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My appreciation is extended to the conference reviewers who undertook the evaluation of the paper and to colleagues who read draft copies. I wish to mention in particular the insights provided to me by Michael Shapiro’s discussion of Roman Jakobson’s poetic function, with special reference to the problematic of irony and paradox in speech. Most of my reference cited publications are available in PDF edition on the web, search “Richard Lanigan” at “”.

Appendix 1: Peirce’s semiotics

Appendix 2: Trivium and chiasm models in French communicology

Figure 22: 
            Merleau-Ponty’s chiasm as le même et l’autre.
Figure 22:

Merleau-Ponty’s chiasm as le même et l’autre.

Figure 23: 
            Tropic logic as encode/decode chiasm function in communicology.
Figure 23:

Tropic logic as encode/decode chiasm function in communicology.


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Published Online: 2019-02-13
Published in Print: 2019-03-05

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