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Open Access Published by De Gruyter March 18, 2010

Analysis of the Slovak Discourses of Sex Education Inspired by Michel Foucault

  • Ivan Lukšík and Dagmar Marková
From the journal Human Affairs

Analysis of the Slovak Discourses of Sex Education Inspired by Michel Foucault

The aims, rules and topics of sex education exist on paper, but have yet to be implemented in Slovakia. Although the curriculum creates the illusion of openness in this field, the silence on sex education in schools provides space for the alternative, "more valuable" quiet discourses of religious education. Under these conditions, it is silence that is proving to be an advantageous strategy for the majority of those who should be voicing their opinions. Instead, they listen and control. By contrast, those who do speak out, children and young people, do not in fact, speak to them, but mainly among themselves. Those who are silent and listen are not prepared for the younger generations confessions on sexuality, which are mostly taken from the liberal area of media, especially the internet. The silent frequently lack, at the very least, the basic ability to react and debate in this changed situation. Those who are involved in the discussion on sexuality in Slovakia are those who should listen and supervise.


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Published Online: 2010-03-18
Published in Print: 2010-03-01

© 2010 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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