Toward a Theopolitical of the “International”

  1. Spiros Makris
  1. Spiros Makris is an Associate Professor of Political Theory at the University of Macedonia, Greece, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Rights and Anti-Colonial Justice, University of Sussex, UK.


Vassilios Paipais, ed. Theology and World Politics: Metaphysics, Genealogies, Political Theologies. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Pp. xiv + 349.

Political theology represents one of the most fundamental subfields of contemporary political theory and international political theory. Since the 1920s, when Carl Schmitt introduced the respective terminology in the broader field of social and political sciences, political theology has developed in a dynamic way, composing, one way or another, a broader interdisciplinary field in which philosophy, theology, and politics are fruitfully interconnected.

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