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Peter J. Denning, Editor in ChiefThe digitally connected world has become a large, swirling sea of information stripped of context.

We help our readers make sense of it, find meaning in it, learn what to trust, and prepare for the future that may show up. "Ubiquity and Your Future

Peter J. Denning,

Ubiquity Upgrades!



Common Fallacies in Speaking and Writing … and What to Do about Them

by Philip Yaffe

Each "Communication Corner" essay is self-contained; however, they build on each other. For best results, before reading this essay and doing the exercise, go to the first essay "How an Ugly Duckling Became a Swan," then read each succeeding essay.

Expository (non-fiction) speaking and writing are almost always about trying to affect the audience's opinion or perception of something. The best communicators do so by presenting logical explanations supported by verifiable facts. Less diligent communicators do so by presenting logically fallible explanations supported by questionable facts. Sadly, they often do so not because they are dishonest, but rather it is because they themselves are unaware that this is what they are doing.



Exploiting the Digital Economy for Product Realization in Manufacturing

by Paul Witherell, Soundar Kumara

In this paper, we briefly discuss the evolving concepts of the digital economy, digital threads, and product realization (manufacturing) in the digital economy-enabled futuristic world. We posit that if we need to become self-sufficient, it is imperative that small and medium manufacturing enterprises need to be equitably integrated into the digital economy. We lead this discussion to the most important research questions related to representation, search, and composition to achieve such a realization.



Misused Words and Phrases

by Philip Yaffe

Using commonly recognized colorful words, phrases, and quotations can enhance the interest and impact of an expository (non-fiction) text. However, pay close attention when doing so, because those words, phrases, and quotations don't always mean what you might think they mean. ...


Enabling Intentional Human Engagement with AI

Interviewed by Bushra Anjum

In this interview, Ubiquity's senior editor, Dr. Bushra Anjum, chats with Ming Yin, an assistant professor at Purdue University, about how intentional human interactions can fully realize the potential of AI in augmenting human intelligence. We also discuss Dr. Yin's research to empirically understand how humans engage with AI, computationally model this engagement, and design interventions to improve humans' engagement with AI by both influencing human behavior and adjusting AI designs.
