The Role of Educational Programmes and Their Effect on Self-Education

An Example from Practice in the Context of Encountering Different Cultural Influences



self-education, summer school, Oxford University, multiculturalism, self-knowledge, motivation, development co-operation


The role of educational programmes and their influence on personal development (self-education) is indisputable. The aim of this article is to reflect on my personal experiences from a summer school completed in July 2023 at Oxford University. Using a very specific example, I try to explain the motivations that led me to attend the summer school and the possible practical effects in my professional and personal life. Numerous discussions and debates with colleagues from very different cultural backgrounds were very beneficial during my stay in Oxford. As part of these debates, reflection of practice, sharing of experiences, but also guided activities within the educational programme, I will try to describe several areas in which I observe contribution and benefit. Finally, I will use a practical example (essay) to show how the discussions in this course influenced me in thinking about problems and stimuli in my professional life while working on a development co-operation project in Kenya.


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Oxford Summer School links:




How to Cite

Malý, Lukáš. 2023. “The Role of Educational Programmes and Their Effect on Self-Education: An Example from Practice in the Context of Encountering Different Cultural Influences”. Theology and Philosophy of Education 2 (2):25–31.



Peer-reviewed Article
