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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton October 27, 2023

The impatient gaze: on the phenomenon of scrolling in the age of boredom

  • Jakub Marek ORCID logo EMAIL logo
From the journal Semiotica


In four major parts, this study investigates the phenomenon of scrolling. Its first task is to argue in favor of a specific quality of the experience of scrolling, distinguishing it from other forms of distraction, notably from the flow experience. Scrolling takes the shape of aimless drifting. Secondly, it investigates the phenomenon of scrolling against its relevant historical, economic, social, and cultural backdrop, with the intention of understanding scrolling as a typical phenomenon of today, rather than subscribing to a biased and superficial critique of its wastefulness or outright pathological character. The third part presents a comprehensive analysis of the temporal makeup of scrolling. Its temporality is expressed in the specific impatience of scrolling. Furthermore, scrolling amounts to a temporal reduction in the sense of favoring the present moment (and suppressing the temporal dimensions of the past and the future). The reductiveness of scrolling pertains to the semantic content as well. I argue that scrolling does not allow for certain experiences (such as, e.g., profound sadness). The temporality of scrolling is one of experiencing lived time as the permanence of passing. In the last section, I connect scrolling to boredom, and argue that scrolling accomplishes the task of allowing for an existential distractedness. In conclusion, I propose a nuanced evaluation of scrolling: in a Pascalian sense, scrolling responds to a profoundly human need of distraction. Yet I find scrolling dangerous in how easily available such distraction becomes, and in how it accustoms the users to a reductive existential experience. Scrolling, unlike art (but also, in principle, photography, movies, books), shields the user from challenging and enriching experiences.

Corresponding author: Jakub Marek, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, E-mail:

Funding source: Focal images: Violence and Inhumanism in contemporary art and media culture

Award Identifier / Grant number: GAČR 22-17984S

  1. Research funding: The study was funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), project No. 22-17984S: Focal images: Violence and Inhumanism in contemporary art and media culture.


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Received: 2023-08-11
Accepted: 2023-09-19
Published Online: 2023-10-27
Published in Print: 2023-09-26

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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