On Two Manuscripts of the Hesiodic “Scutum”

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On Two Manuscripts of the Hesiodic “Scutum”
Mason, H. C.

From the journal Hermes Hermes, Volume 144, September 2016, issue 3

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 4822 Words
Original language: English
Hermes 2016, pp 254-264


The manuscript traditions of Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days are well understood, but for the third poem of the Byzantine triad, the pseudo-Hesiodic Scutum, our knowledge remains imperfect. As a contribution to this subject, two neglected manuscripts of the poem are collated. Their relationship to one another is discussed, and their importance to an editor for the constitution of the text is assessed. In addition, new observations are made about the stemma codicum.

Author information

H. C. Mason