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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton February 7, 2020

In medias res – the mediation conundrum

  • Samuel Mateus EMAIL logo
From the journal Communications


It was not until the emergence, in the 19th century, of new technical devices – such as the telegraph and the phonograph – that the term medius came to serve as a collective noun (media) for advanced communication technologies. Although mediation is extensively theorized in philosophy and sociology, and is approached by medium theory and media studies, the concept remains undertheorized in the field of communication theory.

By exploring the problem of mediation and by challenging its representationalist and transmissive accounts, this paper posits mediation beyond the medium. It traces mediation as a relational principle which can be best understood as modulation involving inherent translation, inflection and movement. Mediation is not a simple transportation of meaning through a passive intermediary. It is not just something which stands or comes between things otherwise separated or opposed. Mediation is neither a middle-thing linking separate entities, nor do things get mediated: They are already forms of mediation. Mediation is, foremost, a connecting mean that generates modified experiences and relations, a modulating process that re-connects at the moment it separates.


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Published Online: 2020-02-07
Published in Print: 2021-03-08

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