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Wittgensteins Philosophieren zwischen Kodex und Strategie: Logik, Schach und Farbausdrücke

From the book Realism - Relativism - Constructivism

  • Ingolf Max


From an analytical point of view each interpreter of Wittgenstein’s philosophizing in its totality should make her language of analysis as precise as possible. The proposal is to use a pair of concepts - codex and strategy - which is relatively neutral with respect to Wittgenstein’s writings and offers room for a variety of sophisticated uses. Codex can tentatively characterized as a totality of rules which characterize a concept, a system, a language, a formal game completely. Strategy can be explicated as intentionally performing actions which can be understood as following rules without claiming to make the aim (if there is any) as well as the underlying rules explicit and without presupposing the existence of an underlying codex. With respect to logic as calculus (pure codex, general form), chess (codex-based strategy) and color expressions (no designated codex at hand) we can identify different but interrelated stages in Wittgenstein’s philosophizing.

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