In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Breathing Emily Dickinson:inspiration/expiration
  • Eric Méchoulan (bio)

Breathe, n

A. Whisper; utter softly; speak privately; [fig.] confide; make known

Breathe in Ear more modern

God's old fashioned vows

B. Inhale and exhale; process air through the lungs; [fig.] live; subsist

And now, by Life deprived,

In my own Grave I breathe

C. Exist; show life force; [fig.] purr; yowl; make vibrant animal sounds

With thee in the Tamarind wood --

Leopard breathes -- at last!

D. Absorb; assimilate; internalize; infuse; gather.

And now, removed from Air --

I simulate the Breath, so well --

E. Gasp; draw in air; respond with admiration

'Tis Costly -- So are purples!

'Tis just the price of Breath --

F. Flutter; flicker; waver; hover; palpitate; [fig.] betray; vacillate; be unfaithful:

An hour behind the fleeting breath

G. Share; experience; partake of; have in common

When it comes, the Landscape listens --

Shadows -- hold their breath -- [End Page 256]

H. Inhale deeply; rest from action; recover from panic

Straighten -- look cautious for their Breath --

But make no syllable -- like Death --

I. Circulate; disperse; mobilize; pass around; cause to move

We breathed --

Then dropped the Air --

Which bore it best?

J. Speak; communicate; express truth; transmit knowledge; [fig.] commune

A Word that breathes distinctly

Has not the power to die

Breathing, verbal n

A. Gasp; hyperventilation; respiration; sudden inhalation of air; [fig.] nervousness; anxiety; feeling of caution; sign of fear

To suspend the Breath

Is the most we can

B. Existing; living; surviving; enduring; abiding

For this -- accepted Breath --

Through it -- compete with Death --

Breathless, adj

A. Unearthly; eternal; timeless; not mortal; [fig.] active; racing; rapid; speedy; in a hurry

the breathless sun

B. Not exhaling; holding in air; unable to breathe freely;

[fig.] pendulous; suspended; full of anticipation; paralyzed from emotion

the breathless Bee

And when her breath was done1 [End Page 257]

Eric Méchoulan

Eric Méchoulan taught at the Université de Montréal. He enjoys thinking about intermediality, sometimes via the 17th century. He has also been an editor of SubStance since 1996.


1. For the lexicon, see Emily Dickinson Lexicon, Brigham Young University, 2007-2023,; for Emily Dickinson's works extracts, see Emily Dickinson Poems, University of Pennsylvania,


