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„Reformation an Haupt und Gliedern“: Rudolf Borchardts revoltierende Kulturpoetik im Vexierspiegel seiner Äußerungen über Friedrich Nietzsche

From the book Nietzsche und die Konservative Revolution

  • Alexander Mionskowski


“Reformation an Haupt und Gliedern”: Rudolf Borchardt’s revolting poetics of culture in the distorting mirror of his statements on Friedrich Nietzsche. The survey is an attempt to locate Nietzsche’s influence on Borchardt (which is in general undoubtful but very subliminal or even concealed) more precisely in the sphere of conservative political thinking. Despite of biographical parallels - such as the philological studies in Bonn, a strong interest in ancient times and poets, an Italian ‘spleen’ and an aristocratic habitus - history, its construction and use, is the most striking field of influence on the political poetics of Borchardt. Another important scope of his absorption of Nietzsche is the battle against Stefan George for authority on collective imagination of the nation. Borchardt used the occasional admiration of the philosopher in George’s circle as a twofold weapon. As result of the close reading focussed on trails to the conservative revolution, there is to concluse that even the late Borchardt’s tragical conception of poetic sovereignty owes a lot to Nietzsche’s radical critique of modern culture.

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