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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) November 7, 2019

From Hesiod’s Tripod to Thespian Mouseia. Archaeological Evidence and Cultural Contexts

  • Tomasz Mojsik EMAIL logo
From the journal Klio


This contribution contains a critical re-assessment of the earliest archaeological material originating from the Valley of the Muses, i.e. archaic vessels and figurines, two examples of hydriai allegedly linked with the Muses, and an iconographic testimony. In the current historiography, these sources are still considered to confirm the archaic, or even earlier, origin of the cult of the Muses at the foot of Mount Helicon. An analysis of testimonies is complemented with an overview of a broader cultural context (i.e. the musical agones, the Muses and nymphs and the emergence of the cult of poets/intellectuals); this enables us to assess the sources and chronological considerations. Conclusions drawn from the re-assessment of testimonies are of key importance not only to the dating of the cult of the Muses at this site, but also to our assessment of the phenomenon of the cult of these goddesses in the Greek world in general.


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Published Online: 2019-11-07
Published in Print: 2019-11-01

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