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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton July 31, 2007

Narrative self-reference in a literary comic: M.-A. Mathieu's L'Origine

  • Winfried Nöth

    His research interests include general semiotics, Peirce's semiotics, semiotics of the media, semiotic linguistics, and pictorial semiotics. His recent publications include Origins of Semiosis (1994); Semiotics of the Media (1997); Crisis of Representation (with C. Ljungberg, 2003); Imagen: Comunicación, semiótica y medios (with L. Santaella, 2003); and Comunicação e semiótica (with L. Santaella, 2004).

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From the journal Semiotica


Narratives in literature and even in the comics have become self-referential. A self-referential narrative sign is one that represents itself. The sign is its own object, narrating and narrated time become conflated. Instead of narrating a story, a self-referential narrative narrates that it narrates and how or why the characters in the narrative have found their way into the narrative. M.-A. Mathieu's L'Origine is a self-referential comic book story of a protagonist who learns from his narrators, a team of comic book artists, that he exists only on the paper of a comic book. Two semiotic devices of self-referential verbal and pictorial narrating are distinguished and examined. Iconic self-reference is exemplified by self-repeating signs and signs that represent themselves in the form of mirror texts or self-referential pictures in the picture (mise en abyme). Indexical self-reference is exemplified by the devices of fragmentation and metalepsis, the participation of a narrator in the narrative events. Metalepsis leads to narrative paradoxes and is a major source of humor.

About the author

Winfried Nöth

His research interests include general semiotics, Peirce's semiotics, semiotics of the media, semiotic linguistics, and pictorial semiotics. His recent publications include Origins of Semiosis (1994); Semiotics of the Media (1997); Crisis of Representation (with C. Ljungberg, 2003); Imagen: Comunicación, semiótica y medios (with L. Santaella, 2003); and Comunicação e semiótica (with L. Santaella, 2004).

Published Online: 2007-07-31
Published in Print: 2007-06-19

© Walter de Gruyter

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